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Part two 翻译句子 6. 这支箭在为你指路。 7. 他的建议使我感到很兴奋。 8. 价格又在飞涨了。 9. 他会是个好丈夫。
答案是:答案: 6. This arrow is pointing you down your path.   7. His proposal made my heart soar.   8. Prices are soaring again.   9. He will make a fine husband.
Part one 请判断下列句子用了明喻、暗喻和类比中的哪种修辞方法。 1. He is as silly as a donkey. 2. Judicious(明智的)praise is to children what the sun
答案是:答案   1. simile   2. analogy   3. metaphor   4. simile   5. metaphor
Part one 请写出几种表示赞美的说法。 Part two 翻译句子 2. 他转过身发现了张熟悉的面孔。 3. 一整队的猴子侵袭她。 4. 小女孩朝他尖叫起来。 5. 他们花了很多年的时间才找出了真相。 6. 别任由女孩
答案是:答案 1. You are extraordinary/wonderful/terrific/marvelous/amazing/fantastic. 2. He turned around and saw a familiar face. 3. A whole fleet of monkeys attacked her. 4. The girl screamed at him. 5. They spent many years seeking out the truth. 6. Don't indulge the girl's fantasy.
Part one 请写出以下 “you know” 的用法 1. You know the place I visited last year. 2. You know, everything is changing. 3. The
答案是:答案 1. 你知道。 2. 用作插入语,来表示转折语气,“对吧”。 3. 想要描述一件事情,但一时之间讲不清楚,对方大概也知道你在讲什么。
Part Two词语用法。(每题1.5分) 从词语框中选择合适的单词或词语填入句子确保句意表达完整准确。 through bully consistent tiptoe consult on perspective 1. We.re
答案是:答案 1. consistent 2. through 3. perspective 4. bullies 5. consult on
Part two 翻译句子 6. 我一心期待着你将举办的宴会。 7. 他眼下资金短缺。 8. 我得送波尼去排练。 9. 我要去商店买东西,你自己找点事做吧。
答案是:答案:6. I'm really looking forward to your party. 7. He is short of funds right now. 8. I have to drop off Bernie at rehearsal. 9. Keep yourself occupied while I'm going shopping.
Part one 根据首字母填单词 1. Looking for anything in p______, sir? 2. Would you like it g______? 3. Christmas shopping is nev
答案是:答案 1. particular 2. gift-wrapped 3. pleasant 4. stationery 5. make
Part two 翻译句子 5. 说不定他正在往眼球里注射海洛因呢。 6. 即便如此,我也会全力帮助你的。 7. 约翰刚刚跟女朋友分手了。 8. 我已经受够他了。 9. 训练有素的冷面杀手只要打个电话就到。
答案是:答案:5. He might be injecting heroin into his eyeballs for all I know. 6. Even if that's the case, I will still try my best to help you. 7. John has just split up with his girl friend. 8. I'm well shot of him. 9. Ruthless, trained killers are just a phone call away.
Part one 下列句子中缺少表达语气的词,请根据本节所学的口语表达知识填入。 1. He not only invited me in but he _______ introduced me to his parents! (他不但
答案是:答案 1. actually 2. You know 3. actually 4. actually
Part one 根据首字母填单词。 1.She.s going to say her final f_______ to you not through me but, inevitably, ever so coolly, throu
答案是:答案 Part One 1. farewell 2. case 3. switch 4. fear 5. petulant
Part two 回忆本节故事,根据首字母填单词 4. From this day f______, if there is to be more killing, it will not start with me. 5. Smith
答案是:答案:4. forward 5. along 6. sunrise 7. guide 8. wisdom
Part one 翻译句子 1. 风越来越大。 2. 你来得越早越好。 3. 用四种方法表达句子:这条街道是那条街道的三倍宽。
答案是:答案 1. The wind is stronger and stronger. 2. The sooner you can come, the better. 3. a. This road is three times the width of that one.   b. The width of this road is three times that of that one.   c. This road is three times as wide as that one.   d. This road is twice wider than that one.
Part two 用所给的词的适当形式填空 much good demon spot defeat incredible 5. Now we have enough warriors to destroy those white____
答案是:答案:5. demons 6. much 7. incredible 8. spot 9. good
Part one 翻译句子 1. 她的小提琴,我是指中提琴,的确拉得很好。 2. 他实在非常粗鲁,我的意思是他从来不说“早安”。 3. 我的老板,我的意思是这间办公室的头,上星期走了。 4. 我下星期二,我指的是星期四以前,能完成这
答案是:答案 1 She plays violin, I mean viola, really well. 2 He is very rude; I mean, he never says "Good morning". 3 My boss, I mean the head of this office, left last week. 4. I can finish this work before next Tuesday, I mean, next Thursday.
Part two 翻译句子 5. 如果明天下雨怎么办? 6. 别犹豫了。我们应当向前推进。 7. 他们俩个一见倾心,六个星期之后结婚了。 8. 你应当对这个男孩宽容些。
答案是:答案:5. What if it rains tomorrow? 6. Don't hesitate. We should press on. 7. They met, fell for each other and got married six weeks later. 8. You should go easy on the boy.
Part one 请写出cross在下列句子中的用法及含义 1. What are you cross about? 2. She wears a small silver cross around her neck. 3. The
答案是:答案 1. 形容词,生气的 2. 名词,十字架 3. 动词,穿过 4. 动词,反对
Part two 翻译句子 4. 你糊涂了? 5. 这点小问题,我能解决。 6. 你能拿准怎么做吗? 7. 你确定情况属实吗? 8. 你真是吓坏我了。
答案是:答案:4. Are you thick in you head? 5. It's a tiny, little, itsy-bitsy problem. I can handle it. 6. Are you sure how to do it? 7. Are you sure of the facts? 8. You sure gave me a heart attack.
Part one 请写出以下 “you know” 的用法 1. You know the place I visited last year. 2. You know, everything is changing. 3. The
答案是:答案 1. 你知道。 2. 用作插入语,来表示转折语气,“对吧”。 3. 想要描述一件事情,但一时之间讲不清楚,对方大概也知道你在讲什么。
Part two 翻译句子 6. 顾客们对这家商店很信任。 7. 这个项目很需要你。 8. 这到底怎么回事? 9. 他身体好极了,真有福。 10. 他的话让我们陷入了危险。
答案是:答案:6. The customers put faith in the shop. 7. This project called for you. 8. What the heck is it anyway? 9. He is blessed with excellent health. 10. His words put us in danger.
Part one 请写出以下词语或句子中的缩略语形式 1. what are you 2. going to 3. What are you reading? 4. I am going to finish the homework
答案是:答案 1. Whatcha 2. Gonna 3. Whatcha reading? 4. I am gonna finish the homework. 5. Whatcha gonna do?
Part two 翻译句子 6. 他在拿我开玩笑吧? 7. 我们的日程安排得很紧张。 8. 听起来,这个主意不错。 9. 你现在面临人生中的重要时刻。 10. 快点,快点,时间来不及了。
答案是:答案:6. He must be kidding me. 7. We have a very tight schedule. 8. It sounds a great idea. 9. You are at a crucial moment of your life. 10. Come on, come on, we don't have enough time.
Part one 请写出以下词语或句子中的缩略语形式 1. will not 2. got to 3. Do you want to a cup of tea? 4. I am going to work out a plan th
答案是: 答案 1. Wonna 2. Gotta 3. Do you wanna a cup of tea? 4. I am gonna work out a plan this afternoon. 5. It's time to go, see ya.
Part two 翻译句子 2. 他转过身发现了张熟悉的面孔。 3. 一整队的猴子侵袭她。 4. 小女孩朝他尖叫起来。 5. 他们花了很多年的时间才找出了真相。 6. 别任由女孩想象。
答案是:答案 1. You are extraordinary/wonderful/terrific/marvelous/amazing/fantastic. 2. He turned around and saw a familiar face. 3. A whole fleet of monkeys attacked her. 4. The girl screamed at him. 5. They spent many years seeking out the truth. 6. Don't indulge the girl's fantasy.
Part One判断正误。(每题2分) 根据本学期所学内容对下列表述做出“正确”或“错误”的判断,分别用T或F标示。 1. The polar express in the movie is the train to the South
答案是:答案 1. F   2. T   3. T   4. T 5. T   6. F   7. T   8. F
Part Four文化背景题。(每题6分) 请对下列有关文化背景的名词进行简要解释。 1. The Story of Mistletoe 2. TheThe story goes that Mistletoe was the
答案是:答案 The story goes that Mistletoe was the sacred plant of Frigga, goddess of love. Her son, Balder, was the god of the peace. Balder had a dream of death, which greatly alarmed his mother, for should he die, all life on earth would end.   Balder could not be hurt by anything on earth or under the earth. But Balder had one enemy, Loki, god of evil and he knew of one plant that grew neither on the earth nor under the earth, but on apple and oak trees. It was lowly mistletoe. So Loki made an arrow tip of the mistletoe, and shot Balder dead.After Balder's death, his mother Frigga, together with other gods, tried every means, finally restored him. Frigga was so grateful that she promised to kiss everyone passing beneath the tree on which the mistletoe grew.   The story ends with a decree that who should ever stand under the humble mistletoe, no harm should befall them, only a kiss, a token of love, peace and forgiveness.
Part Three剧情理解。(每题6分) 请使用简洁的英语准确地回答下列有关剧情的问题。 1. Talk about the story of Pocahontas in your own brief words. 2. T
答案是:答案 1. Pocahontas was produced by the Disney Company in 1995.   Captain John Smith and a group of English explorers, come to the New World to find gold. Meanwhile, in this "New World," Chief Powhatan wants his daughter, Pocahontas, to be married to the village's greatest warrior.   Pocahontas, however, has other ideas. She has seen a vision of a spinning arrow, a vision she believes tells her change is coming. Her life does indeed change when the English ship lands near her village.   Englishmen believe the Indians are hiding the gold from them, while Powhatan believes these newcomers will destroy their land.   In order to prevent the war and save their love for each other, John Smith and Pocahontas have a difficult time.   Finally they establish the peace between the new settlers and the Indian tribe.
art Five翻译题。(每题3分) 请根据相关提示翻译下列句子。 1. 他一定是在拿我开玩笑。kid 2. 你现在面临人生中的重要时刻。crucial 3. 你能抽出十分钟吗? spare 4. 快点,我们上学晚了。 5. 旅
答案是:答案 1. He must be kidding me. 2. You are at a crucial moment of your life. 3. Can you spare ten minutes? 4. Come on, we are quite late for school. 5. Please have a safe and sound trip. 6. Prices are soaring again. 7. Does anyone claim this umbrella? 8. I'm sorry; I didn't mean to hurt you. 9. Stand back and let the doctor through. 10. There is a sticky spot on the floor.
Part Four文化背景题。(每题6分) 请对下列文化背景方面的名词进行简要解释。 1. Christmas 2. 10 Downing Street
答案是:答案 1. Most people know that the simple meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the son of God in the Christian religion. The word Christmas originated from an old English phrase, "Cristes Masse", meaning the mass of Christ(基督弥撒). The date, December 25, was established by Bishop Liberius of Rome in 354 AD. He selected the date to mark the official time for celebrating Christ's birth. Before then, the birth of Jesus was observed on different days and even to this day no one is certain the exact date of Christ's birth. The name of the holiday is often shortened to Xmas because Roman letter "X" resembles the Greek letter X, an abbreviation for Christ. 2. 10 Downing Street has been the heart of government for over a century as the meeting place of the Cabinet and as a reception venue for VIPs from around the world. It is the workplace for the many staff that supports the Prime Minister and it is also the home of the Prime Minister and his family. Margaret Thatcher called the place “one of the most precious jewels in the national heritage”. Its black front door with a number 10 on it has become a symbol of the British Prime Minister and the government.In a survey of the top ten film spot in October, 2007, 10 Downing Street was named in fourth in the poll thanks to its appearance in Love Actually.
Part Three剧情理解。(每题6分) 请使用简洁的英语准确地回答下列有关剧情的问题。 1. Which movie do the following sentences come from?   Who was the spea
答案是:答案 1. Grandma Willow was the speaker of the sentences. When she learnt Pocahontas was hesistating about her future she told her to follow her own heart to make up her own decision. 2. The hero boy was the speaker of the sentences. He was saying those words to the lonely boy to give him the strength to happily celebrate Christmas with other kid in a warm air.
第二部分补全歌词。 When Christmas comes to town I.m wishing on a _____ And trying to believe That even though it.s ____ He.l
答案是:答案:star far Santa around best home cheer alone fun town
Part Two 词语用法。(每题1.5分) 第一部分选择合适的单词或词语填入句子确保句意表达完整准确。 uncivilized roll decent claim mean make much good demon spot def
答案是:答案 1. rolled 2. claim 3. make 4. mean 5. uncivilized 6. demons 7. much 8. incredible 9. spot 10. good
Part One 判断正误。(每题2分) 根据本学期所学内容对下列表述做出“正确”或“错误”的判断,分别用T或F标示。 1. The Polar Express is a movie about the celebration of T
答案是:答案 1. F   2. F   3. F   4. F 5. F   6. F   7. T   8. F
Part Five 翻译题。(每题3分) 请根据相关提示翻译下列句子。 1. 说不定他正在往眼球里注射海洛因呢。know 2. 即便如此,我也会全力帮助你的。 3. 约翰刚刚跟女朋友分手了。split 4. 我已经受够他了。sho
答案是:答案 1. He might be injecting heroin into his eyeballs for all I know. 2. Even if that's the case, I will still try my best to help you. 3. John has just split up with his girl friend. 4. I'm well shot of him. 5. Ruthless, trained killers are just a phone call away. 6. I'm really looking forward to your party. 7. He is short of funds right now. 8. I have to drop off Bernie at rehearsal. 9. Keep yourself occupied while I'm going shopping. 10. The customers put faith in the shop.
Part Three剧情理解。(每题6分) 请使用简洁的英语准确地回答下列有关剧情的问题。 1. Talk about the story of Pocahontas in your own brief words. 2. T
答案是:答案:1. Pocahontas was produced by the Disney Company in 1995.   Captain John Smith and a group of English explorers, come to the New World to find gold. Meanwhile, in this "New World," Chief Powhatan wants his daughter, Pocahontas, to be married to the village's greatest warrior.   Pocahontas, however, has other ideas. She has seen a vision of a spinning arrow, a vision she believes tells her change is coming. Her life does indeed change when the English ship lands near her village.   Englishmen believe the Indians are hiding the gold from them, while Powhatan believes these newcomers will destroy their land.   In order to prevent the war and save their love for each other, John Smith and Pocahontas have a difficult time.   Finally they establish the peace between the new settlers and the Indian tribe.
补全歌词 Can you ____ with all the colors of the wind? Can you paint with all the colors of the wind? Come run the _____
答案是:答案:Paint hidden berries roll worth rainstrom otter connected circle hoop high
请写出cross在下列句子中的用法及含义。 6. What are you cross about? 7. She wears a small silver cross around her neck. 8. The river is
答案是:答案:6. 形容词,生气的 7. 名词,十字架 8. 动词,穿过 9. 动词,反对
Part Two词语用法。(每题1.5分) 从词语框中选择合适的单词或词语填入句子确保句意表达完整准确。 through bully consistent tiptoe consult on perspective 1. We.re
答案是:答案 1. consistent 2. through 3. perspective 4. bullies 5. consult on
Part One判断正误。(每题2分) 根据本学期所学内容对下列表述做出“正确”或“错误”的判断,分别用T或F标示。 1. The polar express in the movie is the train to the South
答案是:答案 1. F   2. T   3. T   4. T 5. T   6. F   7. T   8. F
Part Five翻译题。(每题3分) 请根据相关提示翻译下列句子。 1. 他一定是在拿我开玩笑。kid 2. 你现在面临人生中的重要时刻。crucial 3. 你能抽出十分钟吗? spare 4. 快点,我们上学晚了。 5.
答案是:答案 1. He must be kidding me. 2. You are at a crucial moment of your life. 3. Can you spare ten minutes? 4. Come on, we are quite late for school. 5. Please have a safe and sound trip. 6. Prices are soaring again. 7. Does anyone claim this umbrella? 8. I'm sorry; I didn't mean to hurt you. 9. Stand back and let the doctor through. 10. There is a sticky spot on the floor.
Part Four文化背景题。(每题6分) 请对下列文化背景方面的名词进行简要解释。 1. Christmas 2. 10 Downing Street
答案是:答案 1. Most people know that the simple meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the son of God in the Christian religion. The word Christmas originated from an old English phrase, "Cristes Masse", meaning the mass of Christ(基督弥撒). The date, December 25, was established by Bishop Liberius of Rome in 354 AD. He selected the date to mark the official time for celebrating Christ's birth. Before then, the birth of Jesus was observed on different days and even to this day no one is certain the exact date of Christ's birth. The name of the holiday is often shortened to Xmas because Roman letter "X" resembles the Greek letter X, an abbreviation for Christ. 2. 10 Downing Street has been the heart of government for over a century as the meeting place of the Cabinet and as a reception venue for VIPs from around the world. It is the workplace for the many staff that supports the Prime Minister and it is also the home of the Prime Minister and his family. Margaret Thatcher called the place “one of the most precious jewels in the national heritage”. Its black front door with a number 10 on it has become a symbol of the British Prime Minister and the government.In a survey of the top ten film spot in October, 2007, 10 Downing Street was named in fourth in the poll thanks to its appearance in Love Actually.
Part Three剧情理解。(每题6分) 请使用简洁的英语准确地回答下列有关剧情的问题。 1. Which movie do the following sentences come from?   Who was the spea
答案是:答案 1. Grandma Willow was the speaker of the sentences. When she learnt Pocahontas was hesistating about her future she told her to follow her own heart to make up her own decision. 2. The hero boy was the speaker of the sentences. He was saying those words to the lonely boy to give him the strength to happily celebrate Christmas with other kid in a warm air.
第二部分补全歌词。 When Christmas comes to town I.m wishing on a _____ And trying to believe That even though it.s ____ He.l
答案是:答案:star far Santa around best home cheer alone fun town
Part Two 词语用法。(每题1.5分) 第一部分选择合适的单词或词语填入句子确保句意表达完整准确。 uncivilized roll decent claim mean make much good demon spot def
答案是:答案 1. rolled 2. claim 3. make 4. mean 5. uncivilized 6. demons 7. much 8. incredible 9. spot 10. good
Part One 判断正误。(每题2分) 根据本学期所学内容对下列表述做出“正确”或“错误”的判断,分别用T或F标示。 1. The Polar Express is a movie about the celebration of T
答案是:答案 1. F   2. F   3. F   4. F 5. F   6. F   7. T   8. F
Part two 翻译句子 6. 我一心期待着你将举办的宴会。 7. 他眼下资金短缺。 8. 我得送波尼去排练。 9. 我要去商店买东西,你自己找点事做吧。
答案是:答案:6. I'm really looking forward to your party. 7. He is short of funds right now. 8. I have to drop off Bernie at rehearsal. 9. Keep yourself occupied while I'm going shopping.
Part one 根据首字母填单词 1. Looking for anything in p______, sir? 2. Would you like it g______? 3. Christmas shopping is nev
答案是:答案 1. particular 2. gift-wrapped 3. pleasant 4. stationery 5. make
Part two 用所给单词填空 through bully consistent tiptoe consult on perspective 5. We.re being _______with the policies of the
答案是:答案:5. consistent 6. through 7. perspective 8. bullies 9. consult on
Part one 在句子的空白处填入具有补充说明含义的短语。 1. I haven.t seen her for weeks…or her parents, _______. 2. Oh, _______, have you heard
答案是:答案 1. come to that 2. by the way 3. come to that 4. By the way
Part two 翻译句子 5. 说不定他正在往眼球里注射海洛因呢。 6. 即便如此,我也会全力帮助你的。 7. 约翰刚刚跟女朋友分手了。 8. 我已经受够他了。 9. 训练有素的冷面杀手只要打个电话就到。
答案是:答案:5. He might be injecting heroin into his eyeballs for all I know. 6. Even if that's the case, I will still try my best to help you. 7. John has just split up with his girl friend. 8. I'm well shot of him. 9. Ruthless, trained killers are just a phone call away.
Part one 下列句子中缺少表达语气的词,请根据本节所学的口语表达知识填入。 1. He not only invited me in but he _______ introduced me to his parents! (他不但
答案是:答案 1. actually 2. You know 3. actually 4. actually
Part two 翻译句子 6. 这要取决于下一首歌是什么。 7. 除非我死,不然你休想进这座房子。 8. 我就是这样想的。 9. 谁有问题就请提吧。 10. 你必须振作起来完成工作。
答案是:答案:6. It all hangs on the next song. 7. You will come into this house over my dead body. 8. I thought as much. 9. If anyone has any questions, fire away! 10. You must get a grip of yourself and finish the work.
Part one 根据首字母填单词。 1.She.s going to say her final f_______ to you not through me but, inevitably, ever so coolly, throu
答案是:答案 Part One 1. farewell 2. case 3. switch 4. fear 5. petulant
Part one 翻译句子 1. 风越来越大。 2. 你来得越早越好。 3. 用四种方法表达句子:这条街道是那条街道的三倍宽。 Part two 回忆本节故事,根据首字母填单词 4. From this day f______
答案是:答案 1. The wind is stronger and stronger. 2. The sooner you can come, the better. 3. a. This road is three times the width of that one.   b. The width of this road is three times that of that one.   c. This road is three times as wide as that one.   d. This road is twice wider than that one. 4. forward 5. along 6. sunrise 7. guide 8. wisdom
Part one 翻译句子 1. 她的小提琴,我是指中提琴,的确拉得很好。 2. 他实在非常粗鲁,我的意思是他从来不说“早安”。 3. 我的老板,我的意思是这间办公室的头,上星期走了。 4. 我下星期二,我指的是星期四以前,能完成这
答案是:答案 1 She plays violin, I mean viola, really well. 2 He is very rude; I mean, he never says "Good morning". 3 My boss, I mean the head of this office, left last week. 4. I can finish this work before next Tuesday, I mean, next Thursday. 5. demons 6. much 7. incredible 8. spot 9. good
Part one 翻译句子 1. 对不起,我没有要伤害你的意思。 2. 我说话是算数的。 3. 你那样说是什么意思? 4. 我指的是这个,不是那个。 Part two 用所给的单词的适当形式填空 uncivilized ro
答案是:答案 1. I'm sorry; I didn't mean to hurt you. 2. I mean what I say. 3. What do you mean by saying that? 4. I mean this one, not that one. 5. rolled 6. claim 7. make 8. mean 9. uncivilized
Part one 请判断下列句子用了明喻、暗喻和类比中的哪种修辞方法。 1. He is as silly as a donkey. 2. Judicious(明智的)praise is to children what the sun
答案是:答案   1. simile   2. analogy   3. metaphor   4. simile   5. metaphor   6. This arrow is pointing you down your path.   7. His proposal made my heart soar.   8. Prices are soaring again.   9. He will make a fine husband.
Part one 请写出几种表示赞美的说法。 Part two 翻译句子 2. 他转过身发现了张熟悉的面孔。 3. 一整队的猴子侵袭她。 4. 小女孩朝他尖叫起来。 5. 他们花了很多年的时间才找出了真相。 6. 别任由女孩
答案是:答案 1. You are extraordinary/wonderful/terrific/marvelous/amazing/fantastic. 2. He turned around and saw a familiar face. 3. A whole fleet of monkeys attacked her. 4. The girl screamed at him. 5. They spent many years seeking out the truth. 6. Don't indulge the girl's fantasy.
Part one 请写出cross在下列句子中的用法及含义 1. What are you cross about? 2. She wears a small silver cross around her neck. 3. The
答案是:答案 1. 形容词,生气的 2. 名词,十字架 3. 动词,穿过 4. 动词,反对 5. What if it rains tomorrow? 6. Don't hesitate. We should press on. 7. They met, fell for each other and got married six weeks later. 8. You should go easy on the boy.
Part one 请写出以下 “you know” 的用法 1. You know the place I visited last year. 2. You know, everything is changing. 3. The
答案是:答案 1. 你知道。 2. 用作插入语,来表示转折语气,“对吧”。 3. 想要描述一件事情,但一时之间讲不清楚,对方大概也知道你在讲什么。 4. Are you thick in you head? 5. It's a tiny, little, itsy-bitsy problem. I can handle it. 6. Are you sure how to do it? 7. Are you sure of the facts? 8. You sure gave me a heart attack.
Part one 请写出以下词语或句子中的缩略语形式 1. what are you 2. going to 3. What are you reading? 4. I am going to finish the homework
答案是:答案 1. Whatcha 2. Gonna 3. Whatcha reading? 4. I am gonna finish the homework. 5. Whatcha gonna do? 6. The customers put faith in the shop. 7. This project called for you. 8. What the heck is it anyway? 9. He is blessed with excellent health. 10. His words put us in danger.
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